Today is my 16 month birthday. I am getting cheekier by the minute now. Uh-oh! Mummy caught me spreading the cornflakes over the floor!
I am now wearing size 4 shoes and getting heavier by the minute. Maybe we need to have a check up soon.
I am now walking very well and bending my legs so I don't look like I am walking on stilts!. I am also learning to come down the stairs backwards. I love walking around carrying my favourite toys from one place to another.
The list of words gets longer and longer now. My favourites are: tricycle, piggies, baa baa, oops, duck, car, bath, kiss, jeans, biscuit, glasses, oooh oooh oooh and NO! I can sign dog and nappy too.
I have also learnt how to get my own way: just ask either Nanny. They will do anything for me! I have also learnt that they don't really have any rules either. Yeehah!