Monday, 30 July 2007

Swimming - Kick, Kick Kick!

Today we went swimming again. It is now a definite regular with us. Today was even better because Daisy, Ollie AND Coby came! Grandad was there doing his 40lengths as normal and even Nanny remembered to come and say hello to us.
Here I am in my armbands raring to 'kick, kick, kick'!

Thursday, 26 July 2007

Happy 40th Birthday Mummy

Today is Mummy's 40th birthday and she went to London with Daddy to celebrate. They stayed at the Hilton in Kensington and chilled out for the day (and night!)

Their day included all Mummy's favourite things to do: watching Die Hard 4.0 at the Empire in Leicester Square, drinks in Waxy O'Connors and ended as usual eating at Wong Kei before getting the bus back to the hotel to chill out on the huge bed and watch Big Brother!

Here's a picture of Mummy in Regent Street wait for the bus home.

Wednesday, 25 July 2007

20 Months Today

Today I am 20 months old and getting on ok!

I am doing very well with my talking and can speak in sentences and will give you a running commentary on everything I do (if you will let me!) Daddy has taught me to say "See ya, see ya wouldn't wanna be ya!" and "Ta-dah". I even shouted 'Oi' at Haz the other day because he was ignoring me! I say "Careful Lola" when I stand up on my changing mat and say "Oh dear" and "Uh-oh" when something goes wrong.

I can also count up to 11 and say the odd number higher than that! I know some colours like red and blue and green and Daddy does lots of drawing with me. We love to draw characters from Dora The Explorer and colour them in. I can name things in the garden like, gate, shed, decking, grass, flower, tree, bird and tell you who the washing on the line belongs to!

I also get very excited at bedtime because I read lots of books with Daddy. I say "Read it, Daddy" and he makes me laugh too.

The first thing I say in the morning when I wake is usually Daisy Mae (that's her and me with her Mummy in the photo)

Tuesday, 24 July 2007

Pub Lunch & Bouncy Castles

Today we went to the Fox & Duck in Stotfold for lunch. There were 6 bouncy castles in the garden. I LOVED IT! I got my feet wet, my trousers dirty and my hair a mess!

Mummy took me and Ollie on one of the bouncy castles and lifted us right up on top of a high slide and Coral caught us at the bottom.

Mummy loved it so much she can't wait to go again!

Sunday, 22 July 2007

Baby's Moving Day

Today Daddy made a new house for Baby. It was between the pouffe, the sofas and had a cushion for a roof.

I agreed to help her move in and moved everything from her old tent house in the kitchen into her new house, and collected her some new toys on the way, but I did get the feeling that I was doing all the work. Look she's just sitting there!

Saturday, 21 July 2007

Birthday Celebrations

This week was Coral's and Mummy's Birthdays so they went off to celebrate at Henlow Dogs. There was .......

.... gambling.....

... dancing ...

... drinking ...

... and singing! (Yes the straws are supposed to be microphones!)

Sunday, 15 July 2007

Race For Life 2007

Today we ran the Race for Life at Fairlands Valley in Stevenage. We somehow managed to miss all the signs for the car park and ended up parking about 2 miles from the start! Anyway, we found the right place, we missed the warm up but still managed to get right in the front on the starting line. We did our best and finished in 29 minutes which we were quite impressed with considering it was only 1 minute longer than 4 years ago when I was a gym junkie. So well done us!

Saturday, 14 July 2007

The Maddersons

Mummy had to scan this photo for Nanny Maureen so we thought we would show you. It is a picture of Nanny's parents and brother taken a few years ago.
Great Uncle Michael lives in Canada and Nanny wants to send this photo to him. Great Grandad Sam died in 1987 a few weeks before Charlene was born and Grandma Dot died 10 years ago. She was a wonderful woman and Mummy still misses her very much today. Mummy will be running her Race For Life tomorrow for Grandma Dot. xxxx

Thursday, 12 July 2007

My Name Is Yoya

Today Coby came over to play because his Mummy had to go out. It was great fun, we played hide and seek, rolled around in the tent, watched TV ate loads of snacks and ended with a cuddle:

BUT the best thing that happened today was that I said my name for the very first time. Coby spent all morning saying 'Lola' 'Lola' 'Lola' that I finally caught on and managed to say it but it sounds more like 'Yoya'!! Now I can't stop saying it. Mummy, Daddy and Haz can't stop smiling, they think I am very clever!!

Wednesday, 11 July 2007

Getting Brave

Today we went to the Angel's Reply and me Louis & Coby. Louis is a daredevil and he goes in the big ball pit and climbing area all the time but I did it for the first time today. Yipee!! I was still very cautious as you can see from the picture below:

I think I will just sit here for a while

"Ok Louis what have you done with my shoes!"

"What do you mean this isn't the way to do it!"

Tuesday, 10 July 2007

Fun At The Library

Today Mummy took me to the library to return my books and renew 'Where is Maisie' because I like that one. I played with the soft toys and put them on the train and then a little girl came over to play with me too. I kept calling her a 'boy' only because I couldn't say 'girl' well I am still learning!

Here's the train.....
.....I've chosen my books...
.... and the animals are all on board!

Monday, 9 July 2007

Aunty Mim

Every Monday afternoon we go to see Mummy's friend Mim and her husband Jerry. I have been visiting them since I was born and Mim is lots of fun. Her grandchildren have all grown up so she likes having me around to play with.

This week Mummy went to the dentist so she left me there for the first time. Mim has photos of her 3 grand-daughters on the wall and every week she tells me their names and this week I said two of the names without being reminded of them - hoorah! The biggest surprise Mummy got was that I could count to TEN when she came back. Mim is such a good teacher.

I will put a picture of Mim here when Mummy takes one for me.

Toddler Swimming

Today we went swimming with Coby & Sarah-Jane. We decided to move up from the babies class and join the toddlers. Today was the first day that I have got excited about going and kept repeating 'swimming' & 'Coby' all morning!

When we got there Mummy bought me some armbands and we met Coby in the changing room. The class was brilliant. We were jumping off the sides and kicking our legs and swam with woggles and floats. I LOVED IT!

Sunday, 8 July 2007

Happy Birthday Jordan

Today is Jordan's 11th birthday so we went over to see him and jump around on his new trampoline. Mummy kept laughing and screaming cos she couldn't get used to it.
Here I am with Jordan and Jade

Pirton Summer Fayre

"Come on Ollie, let's run away and hide"


Today we went to Pirton Summer Fayre with Ollie and his Mummy & Daddy and just as we got there there was an enormous downpour of rain and we all had to run for cover and then ..... the sun came out for the rest of the afternoon. We saw Jasmine with her Mummy & Daddy too. Stuart was there trying to lead Mummy astray by giving her far too much Champagne - naughty Stuart! And the final little treat I had was helping John eat his ice cream (which I called cake!), it was lovely.

Tuesday, 3 July 2007

Potty Training .....

... what do you mean this isn't the potty!!!!

Monday, 2 July 2007

Little Drummer Girl 2

Here I am having my first drum lesson by THE drummer of 'The Famous'. I might be 'famous' one day!

Shopping & Pizza

Park & Ride

Run Across the Common
Eat my Pizza
My New Trainers!

Today we went to Cambridge with Haz & Nanny Pat to buy Haz some new clothes for his holiday in Portugal and guess what ....... Nanny Pat bought me some new trainers with lights on!