So what's new ... well I can do this (see photo)!!
I just love to chat. Mummy says I am the noisiest child she has ever known. Some of my favourite things to say are: "It's fun", "I'm excited", "Hello amigos" and I like to copy some of Mummy's favourite things to say: "Don't worry, Mummy's here", "Just one book", "That's naughty" and "Stop it Lola"!
I can tell you the naughty step routine in detail:
1. Sit naughty step
2. I'm sorry
3. Big kiss and hug
and what we do at the library
1. Go to library
2. Get books
3. See train & monkey
4. See lady
5. Get stickers
6. Say thank you
One of my favourite toys at the moment are a shopping basket full of food. I can name most of them including tomato, aubergine, pizza, pineapple, peas, cake.
I also love to dance. I dance when Dora is on and when I hear music and I just love it when anyone watches. Dinky Dancers here we come!