Saturday, 29 September 2007

Time For Tea

One of my favourite things to do is have a tea party with my babies. I say "cup of tea, cup of tea" and go around collecting all the things I need and feeding the babies and Mummy!

By the way - that's also my naughty step. So I spend a lot of time here!

Wednesday, 26 September 2007


This evening just before bedtime Mummy caught my thumb in the kitchen door. It wasn't all her fault but she blamed herself. It really hurt and Mummy & Daddy took me to the A&E department to get it checked out. I was crying really hard and kept saying "Don't worry, Dillon, don't worry" and "Don't cry Lola it's ok". Mummy put a plaster on it for me and I liked that. When I got to the hospital I was given some medicine and the nurse put a bright orange plaster on it for me. I then ran off to play with the toys as right as rain. I had to have an x-ray to make sure that it wasn't broken and I kept everyone amused by saying "Hello lady" and "Hello man" to everyone I saw.

Tuesday, 25 September 2007

22 Months Old Today

So what's new ... well I can do this (see photo)!!
I just love to chat. Mummy says I am the noisiest child she has ever known. Some of my favourite things to say are: "It's fun", "I'm excited", "Hello amigos" and I like to copy some of Mummy's favourite things to say: "Don't worry, Mummy's here", "Just one book", "That's naughty" and "Stop it Lola"!
I can tell you the naughty step routine in detail:
1. Sit naughty step
2. I'm sorry
3. Big kiss and hug
and what we do at the library
1. Go to library
2. Get books
3. See train & monkey
4. See lady
5. Get stickers
6. Say thank you
One of my favourite toys at the moment are a shopping basket full of food. I can name most of them including tomato, aubergine, pizza, pineapple, peas, cake.
I also love to dance. I dance when Dora is on and when I hear music and I just love it when anyone watches. Dinky Dancers here we come!

Tuesday, 18 September 2007

Happy 3rd Wedding Anniversary

Mummy & Daddy have gone on a trip to Rome to celebrate their wedding anniversary. Here they are looking relaxed and chilled .... I wonder why?

Saturday, 15 September 2007

Late Summer Sunshine

Today we got the bus into town and met Ollie & Daisy and their parents for a coffee on the market square. it was a beautiful sunny day.
We then walked to the park and met up with Jonny and his family and watched his Daddy playing rugby. I don't think I quite got the hang of it at first cos I was running away from the ball. Ha Ha.
We went then went on the swings and the climbing frame before going home for tea.

Tuesday, 11 September 2007

Back To Class

This week our classes start again. It's been a long (wet) summer and we are glad to get back into the routine of Toddler Swimming on Monday, Music Train on Tuesday and Sticky Mitts on Friday.

Music Train was brilliant because Daisy has moved up to our class and Coby has joined us on a Tuesday too.

After Music Train today we went to Starbucks in town and had lunch and played with the toys we haven't done that for a while and we loved it.

Me & Ollie having our lunch

Me giving a hug to Daisy

Playing with the toys Starbucks window

Sunday, 9 September 2007

Wot More Decking!

Today I helped Daddy put some more decking down in the back garden. First you have to saw it, then screw it and then put the trim round. See I know what to do because it's been this summer's major project!! When we had finished I decided to dance on it......

Saturday, 8 September 2007

Meet My Disney Friends

I've got some new toys. They are Micky MOUSE, Minnie MOUSE, Donald DUCK and Goofy DOG! Mummy thinks it's funny that I add the Dog part to Goofy's name but I don't see why because it's just logical!!

I keep these toys in the car to play with and sometimes they get out of hand and I get buried!!

Wednesday, 5 September 2007

Meet Sammy

Today Alicia came over to play and she brought her baby brother Sammy. I wonder what's it's like being a big sister?

Tuesday, 4 September 2007

First Library Certificate

Today we went to the library and met Ollie & Coral there too.
Each time we go we get a sticker to collect and when you have a set of 5 you get a lovely certificate and I got my first one today!
I love the library and when Mummy says we are going I chat about it all the way there. About the fluffy monkey, the train, the lady, books and then library, library, library. I just love chatting!

Saturday, 1 September 2007

Chillin' In Town

Daisy's Mummy has gone away on a Hen Weekend so we met up with her and her Daddy to mooch about the town and have a coffee. Daddy & Jeremy thought it would be funny to see if Mummy could cope with both of us - I think she did quite easily don't you!!!