Wednesday, 31 October 2007
Tuesday, 30 October 2007
2 Pumpkins & A Spider!
Saturday, 27 October 2007
Happy Birthday Libby
I had my first crisp while I was there. I thought it was great. I asked Mummy and she gave me one, then another and another. Everytime she gave me one I ran off incase she took it back again.
Libby had a big birthday cake with candles on it and just after she had blown them out I said in a loud voice "I want to go home now". Oh well time to leave!
Friday, 26 October 2007
Meet Keiran
Thursday, 25 October 2007
23 Month Old Today
Another month older and just one to go to my BIRTHDAY. We have had so many birthdays lately too.
We my new talent this month is singing. I can sing Happy Birthday to you, I can sing some of The Wheels On The Bus, Sleeping Bunnies, Row, Row Row Your Boat.
I also play this game with Haz: He says "touch the ceiling" and I stretch up, then "touch the floor" and I bend down but it gets difficult when he says "touch the ceiling with your feet" well, the positions I get in has him in hysterics.
I also ask what the time is and look at my wrist (even though I don't have a watch on!)
Even though I am not 2 yet I have started the terrible 2's behaviour. I have a pretend cry which I use to try and get my own way and I sometimes shout "NO" and hit Mummy. Poor Mummy she always gets it.
My eating habits are getting better now. Even though I still won't eat potatoes, cooked vegetables and meat, I eat loads of fruit and tomatos, cucumber and carrot and bread and cheese, pasta, and beans.
My bedtime has been put back another half an hour now. I have my bath at 7pm and in bed asleep at 7.30. Since the thumb incident I am still settling in to going off to sleep without too much fuss but I am getting better by the day and have the added bonus of no thumb sucking. My dentist will be pleased in years to come!
Sunday, 21 October 2007
Happy Birthday Harry
Like father, like son
Mummy's Report from her 10K Run
Saturday, 20 October 2007
Last Days Of Sunshine
Wednesday, 17 October 2007
Cleaning Time
Tuesday, 16 October 2007
Happy Birthday Daddy
Sunday, 14 October 2007
Shopping At MK
Saturday, 13 October 2007
Sick Pirate
Today I was supposed to go to Kirsty's 3rd birthday party but I had croup last night and the doctor thought it was best that I stay at home. I was a bit upset because I had learned to sing "Happy To You Kirsty" (I missed the birthday bit out for some reason). Never mind, I dressed up anyway in my pirate outfit and played with the party bag and balloon Kirsty brought round for me.
Friday, 5 October 2007
Thumb Update
I haven't had a daytime nap for 9 days now and I have cried a lot because I couldn't get myself off to sleep. I have woken up during the night, sometimes for up to 3 hours. It was been a tough week and we are all tired and stressed.
BUT today the plaster came off and it has healed up. Hooray - I can go back to Sticky Mitts and swimming.
Wednesday, 3 October 2007
Ladybird & Castaway Kids In One Day!
Today we decided to try Ladybirds playgroup. We haven't been for quite a while and I loved it. There was a brilliant kitchen there and lots of things to ride on.
After that we went and met Louis, Coby & Jasmine at Castaway Kids. We had never been before and thought it was great.
Do you think Louis noticed me going in for a quick kiss with Coby while his back was turned?!