Friday, 11 April 2008

Two Year Check Up!

Today I had my two year check (better late than never). It was ok. There were plenty of toys to play with while Mummy and the health visitors chatted. Well, you will be pleased to know that I am doing fine and running, jumping, climbing as I should do and certainly chatting! I am now 88.5 cm tall and 26.2lbs. Which is very interesting because I have now come down from the 91st centile for my height to just under the 50th which makes me shorter!!! And I am now on the 25th centile for my weight - well at least I'll be skinny and short!!

Monday, 7 April 2008

"I Don't Need To Sleep"

I keep telling Mummy that I don't need a nap at lunchtime but sometimes, just sometimes, I just have to crash out about 4ish! Well we're not all perfect are we?!

Thursday, 3 April 2008

"A Funny Thing Happened Today .....

.... my clothes fell off!"

Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Slip Slidin'

Today Maddy took me to meet Louis from nursery and then to the park to play on the big slide. I get very confident when I'm with Louis look at us go: