Saturday, 31 January 2009
Swimming Lesson No. 3
Today at my swimming lesson I had the woggle and my armbands as usual but then I had to leave the woggle and use a teddy bear float - how exciting. We had to hold our hands above our head in the rocket again and then hold on to the float and kick our legs. We then took it in turns to do 'push and glide' which means facing away from the wall and putting our hands behind our back to hold on and then pushing with our legs into the water. We then finished off by jumping in - and no I haven't got any higher!!
Sunday, 25 January 2009
Another Sign That I Am Growing Into A Big Girl ......
Saturday, 24 January 2009
Excitement At The Panto

Today I went to see Jack & The Beanstalk with Mummy & Daddy at the Gordon Craig Theatre in Stevenage. I was very tired because I had already had my swimming lesson. When Fleshcreep came on I burst into tears and we weren't even near the front. I was adament I wanted to go home straight away but Mummy kept talking to me and soon I began to join in with 'boo', 'hiss' and clapping and shouting 'Hiya Billy'.
Swimming Lesson No. 2
Today at my swimming lesson I had to kick my legs to warm them up and then I swam with a woggle and Becky holding my hands. I then lined up with the other children and waited my turn to do the rocket which meant that I had to hold my hands together above my head. We finished off as usual by jumping in from the side. I am still croaching really low down before I jump.
Sunday, 18 January 2009
The Sun Was Shining, The Sky Was Blue .....
Saturday, 17 January 2009
Friday, 16 January 2009
Saturday, 10 January 2009
Swimming Lesson No. 1
Today I had my first swimming lesson. I go at Mummy's gym where we sometimes go swimming together. My teacher's name is Becky and she is lovely. She came over to say hello and then took my hand and I followed her to the edge of the pool. I was the smallest one there. Mummy sat on the chair and watched me. I had my arm bands on and Becky gave me a woggle as well. Becky helped me into the pool and held my hand while I kicked my legs. I then had to hold on to the side and wait for my turn again. I was supposed to move along the edge as my turn came closer but I didn't know that some another little girl said: " Come on Lola, move up!!". We did this a few times then I had to do it on my back. We finished off by getting out of the pool by the steps and jumping in. I can't wait until next week.
Monday, 5 January 2009
Back To School
Today I went back to Goslings. I now go Monday morning, Tuesday all day and Wednesday all day. This means I have to take a packed lunch with me which I will eat with Isabella and Sandra (not Stephanie because she doesn't stay all day). Today I came home covered in paint and a little bit tired but can't wait to go back tomorrow.
Thursday, 1 January 2009
Happy New Year!
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