Monday, 30 March 2009

Sonny & The Seesaw

Today we went to the park with Sonny and his Mummy. We had a picnic and played on the swings and the seesaw. Sonny goes to my school and stays all day like I do on a Wednesday and we eat our lunch together. He is one of my best friends at school.

Sunday, 29 March 2009

Where HAS That Aeroplane GONE?

Today we went over the field with Coral, John & Ollie & Daddy to fly a model aeroplane. It was a bit of a windy day .....

We ran around and playing on the field ....

.... Ollie found something exciting ......

..... and our Daddies lost the aeroplane! The wind took it too far!

So we crossed the road ....

.... and went home without it!!!

Saturday, 28 March 2009

Swimming Lesson No. 9, 10 & 11

Today's update is that I can now name everyone in my swimming group. There is Dominic, Ben, Rocko, Katie, Katie & me!

Rocko really doesn't like me - not that I notice! Mummy hears him say to me "You stay over there". The thing is when I really like him. I think it's because he is fun he goes under the water all the time and I laugh. Here I am standing next to him on the edge. I am just copying him.

Dominic is 4 and talks just as much as I do. I am the smallest and Ben is the oldest he is nearly 7.

I am progressing really well. I am starting to look like I am swimming rather than pedalling a bicycle. Last week I took off my armbands for the very first time and now I don't need to wear them anymore. I forgot I didn't have them on and went under about 4 times but came up laughing. This week I asked Mummy if I could go and wait for the start in the water and I went in and then remembered I didn't have them on and came out again!!

Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Nanny Pat's Birthday

Today we celebrated Nanny Pat's birthday.
Last night I was distraught because we hadn't made a cake for Nanny and told Mummy that we must have banners and a balloon for her.
So that's what we did!!
Happy birthday Nanny xxx

Monday, 23 March 2009

The Posh Hotel

Today Mummy met her old Post Office friends for lunch at Banyer's Hotel in Royston which is owned by her friend's son. We had a lovely lunch and then has a nose around all the rooms which was great fun! Read on for another first ......

My first lollipop (I know, I know I'm nearly 3 and a half but I've never had one before!)

Sunday, 22 March 2009

Mother's Day

Today is Mother's Day so of course Mummy cooked a dinner for 7 of us!! Here we all are full up after a roast turkey dinner - you can see Mummy in the reflection taking the photograph!

Relaxing in the garden with my Mummy

Yep you guessed it on my bike again to walk Nanny home!

Saturday, 21 March 2009

Town Swings

As it was such a beautiful day today, we went to Bancroft Gardens to meet Ollie & Coral (I call it Town Swings). I took the lovely red bicycle Coral gave me.

Are we nearly there?

Hold on tight

See I'm Ok

On the big swing

A bite to eat ...

... and off home!

Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Pedalling A Bicycle For The First Time

Today we went to Ollie's house as the weather was so lovely and we played in the garden. Mummy & Coral were chatting and Coral suddenly said: "I didn't know Lola could pedal a bike?" Mummy said: "Neither did I" as I saled past them!!

(I learnt to do it at Goslings because they have the same bicycles but they don't know that!)

Fishing for frogs!

Monday, 16 March 2009

Toy Library

We still love going to the Toy Library with Ollie & Coral. Our Mummies sit and chat while we play with all the toys. There is a new home area which I love to play in and Jean also has shaving foam to play with and paints and glue. Then after we have finished playing we get to choose a toy to take home for the week. I love it! Look at us in our vests ..... Ollie was hot so he took him jumper off so I had to do the same!

Thursday, 12 March 2009

Fun In Stevenage (!)

Today we went for lunch at Maddy's house, I took my packed lunch because I just LOVE doing that every day and Mummy & Maddy has beautiful bacon sarnies. All was well until I fell down one stair and twisted my ankle and it really hurt. I was limping for several days and the limp definitely got worse when I heard Mummy telling someone about it!!

After lunch we went into Stevenage town as Maddy had to go to the dentist so we took Louis to play on the slide and on the way there he fell over twice - bless him - there was nothing in the way but it just happened!!
Weeeeeeeee - glamous shot!
Yummy - hot chocolate in Costa's

Wednesday, 11 March 2009

New Pretty Bath Towels

Do you know I have still been using my white hooded baby towels for bathtime? Well that had to stop didn't it? So Mummy bought me some pretty cerise towels with diamonds on. Here I am modelling them!!

Monday, 9 March 2009

Pyjama Day At Ollie's!

Today we went to play at Ollie's and I showed him how comfortable it was to play wearing your pyjama bottoms, a trick I do all the time at home!!

Saturday, 7 March 2009

Swimming Lesson No. 8

Today Daddy came to the gym with us and he watched me swimming lesson. He kept telling me off and told me to listen to Becky. Today most of the swimming was on our back. Becky said: "head back, ears in the water and eyes to the ceiling" I think some of this is going in because I am not doing bad. I swim a bit like Mummy at the moment which means my bottom half sinks and it looks like I am pedalling a bike rather than kicking my legs on top of the water. I move along though which is a good thing.

After we had our showers we went into the cafe with Daddy and then showed him around the gym and the creche where I go on Thursdays.

Monday, 2 March 2009


Today I fell asleep on Mummy while we were watching TV lying on the sofa ... well I haven't done that for years!!

(Can you see Dillon's bottom hiding in my hand?!)