Saturday, 25 August 2007

21 Months Old Today

So what is new .... I am still counting quite well. I like the number 18 for some reason. I can now tell you the colours of things which are blue, yellow, red, green, orange, purple or pink. I am learning shapes now. I know triangles and stars. Daddy has also taught me to say ABCDE.
The funniest thing happened today... we were sitting in the garden eating our dinner and Harry said "Don't worry" and I just came out with "Be Happy". Mummy and Harry just stared open mouthed at each other for ages as they couldn't believe their ears until Daddy told them that he had been teaching me to say it in the bath. LOL!!!!
I now like to run everywhere and quite often shout RUN RUN RUN.
I have a fantastic memory. I can remember things that have happened ages ago. For example, Ollie's Daddy gave me some chocolate months and months ago and the other day when I said goodbye to him I said "John chocolate!"
Today Daddy left a ladder in the garden leaning against the wall and I climbed up 3 steps and had to shout for Mummy to get me down. She nearly had a fit!
I have got a bit picky with my dinners lately. I will eat it if it's PASTA! I'm ok for the rest of the day breakfast, lunch and snacks but my dinner has to be pasta or at the very most beans and cheese. Ho hum perhaps Mummy needs to buy an Italian cookery book!
So there you go ..... everything is going ok
Love Lola xxx

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