So what's new! I have already updated you with weight and height. Most updates are from what funny things I say "Do you want to ..... or not?" When Mummy is watching something on TV I ask her what their names are and I ask her what she is watching is it "Out Of The Blue?", "Big Brother" and when EastEnders comes on I used to say it's the Marathon because of the map but now I know it's EastEnders.
When we are out in the car I ask which way and say whether it is left or right. I know where I live and point out where things are like The Angels Reply, Ladybirds, Willian Post Office, Ollie's house, and if we go past the roundabout at the bottom of our road I say "We're not going home yet?" Mummy has Rockstar by Nickelback as her ringtone on her mobile so when I hear it on the radio I can sing the first line and say "Your phones not ringing!"
I have started chatting to my friend Kirsty and her sister next door, I step on the flowerbed and climb up the trellis and we pass things through to each other. I am always asking "Where's Kirsty gone?"
My routine hasn't changed much just that I don't have a nap anymore. My bedtime is still 7.30ish and I get up anytime from 6am to 7am.
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